Celebrate Pride: The Most Inclusive Workplaces in 2022

If you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community and you’re looking to level up for your next career opportunity, I want to remind you that you are worth waiting for the right workplace.

Your employment should value, celebrate, and support who you are and your personhood — and that extends above and beyond your role!

In this blog we’re covering everything you need to know about inclusive workplaces in 2022 where you can be and express your true self. It’s time to celebrate pride year-round and get intentional about the workplace experience you deserve. 

Exploring inclusivity: Why is diversity in the workplace important?

There are many benefits that come with working for and being a part of inclusive and equitable workplaces. As a team member, you’ll be able to feel comfortable in your business’ culture, which can help you to grow and achieve great things in the role.

Plus, working at these types of places is a great indirect way to support your mental health. You deserve to feel needed, celebrated, respected, and cared for within the boundaries of your position.

Beyond the personal and mental health-related benefits, you’ll also be able to remain engaged. Engagement has been shown to correlate to your satisfaction in certain roles — and with how much professional and personal crossover we’re seeing in the work-from-home reality, this can easily impact your personal wellbeing and mental state, too.

Engagement doesn’t just benefit your employer…it also affects your overall perception and experience in the position. (And let me tell you, friends — you deserve a fair, well-rounded, and positive experience!)

Top Inclusive Workplaces in 2022

To make this list, we consulted with the Corporate Equality Index — a reference spearheaded by the Human Rights Campaign Federation. Their goal is to make employment a more equitable experience for everyone.

Get ready to dive into the topmost LGBTQ+-inclusive workplaces in 2022!

1. Adobe Inc.

Adobe is in the top 5% of inclusive companies to work for on Compareably’s list, and with good reason — the company has over 10,000 employees and continues to place a high emphasis on individual growth, expression, and equality across all boundaries and categories. Adobe is very public about its hiring practices and strategies for sourcing with diversity in mind, and also publishes their diversity data on a regular basis.

The company currently has 1900+ roles open at the time of this article, many of which are remote. You can view open positions by clicking here.

2. Bath and Body Works

This beauty and care brand places a heavy emphasis on LGBTQ+ community support at every level of the hiring process. Once you’re hired, you’ll have full-spectrum health coverage and support through transitions, counseling, and other necessary medical procedures for members of the community. They also continue to support LGBTQ+ charities annually and are public about their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) core values.

You can click here to explore open roles, and see if it’s a fit for you!

3.  Deloitte

Deloitte is a well-known financial authority that provides auditing and risk management services to brands around the globe. They are one of the loudest voices amplifying the #QueerAllYear movement, focusing on providing sustainable solutions for LGBTQ+ members on a daily basis. They are also focused on allyship at all levels of their business and offer a variety of DEI resources on their public-facing pages.

Click here to view open roles at Deloitte.

4. Experian

Experian has pioneered financial progress and services for members of the LGBTQ+ community for over a decade, and remains committed to financial reform and support every day of the year. They’ve also recently celebrated winning the “Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality” award for the fourth consecutive year in 2022. Beyond workplace culture, Experian goes above and beyond to highlight key concerns and contributions for LGBTQ+ consumers around the world — helping them to reach new levels of financial freedom.

Visit their website for more information on open positions today!

5. Impossible Foods

Impossible Foods pulled off a perfect score of 100 on the CEI index in 2021 and continues to remain completely supportive of LGBTQ+ staff and customers. They’ve taken personal responsibility and committed to a brighter future for employees, offering inclusive healthcare solutions and an LGBTQ+ company-wide resource group to hold space for those in the community.

You can visit their site for more information on open positions.

The work is never really “done”

While the CEI is one of the most recent and comprehensive ways to calculate the true amount of difference that brands are making for members of the LGBTQ+ community, we want to acknowledge that the work is never truly done! Brands and organizations should actively find new ways to foster inclusivity and allyship within the company’s culture and day-to-day interactions.